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We have made this website to help the aspiring job seekers to find their dream job they are looking for. You will always find the useful content sourced and verified from various platforms. We regularly posts Latest Jobs and Recruitment updates along with articles that are helpful for interview preparations. Interview preparation articles usually have the questions and answers with details explanations that are being asked by recruiters of various companies, whether it is tech or non-tech for both Fresher and Experienced Job seekers.
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Irshad Khan
UI Developer
He is a Full-time UI UX, Product, and Visual Designer with 6 years plus exp…
Part-time cricketer, footballer, badminton player also a UFC n DC fan😉…
He love being involved in all aspects of visual design with a special focus on interaction and usability…

Amjad Ali
He is an Experienced Digital marketing professional and content writer…
Part-time Cricketer, Photographer, Traveler also a Marvel fan…
He believes that with proper knowledge and guidance one can achieve any goal in their life.
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